Painless Ear Wax Removal Singapore
Earwax (cerumen) coats and protects the ear canal and keeps infections and water out of the ear drum. However, if too much earwax builds up, it can become uncomfortable and interfere with hearing. It can also be a cause of tinnitus and ringing in the ears, which may lead to hearing loss if not addressed. So, it is important to get ear wax removed by a professional. How do you remove ear wax painlessly? When excess ear wax builds up, it can cause discomfort, pain and hearing loss. Hence, it is important to get ear wax removed by a qualified doctor. Ear wax is produced as a normal body secretion. It acts as a protective layer that helps to keep dirt and dust out of the ear canal. It also protects the ear against moisture and water, which can otherwise be trapped inside the ear. However, if the ear wax buildup is too heavy, it can lead to a blockage in the ear and result in a variety of unpleasant symptoms such as ear discomfort, fullness, ear itching and partial hearing loss. The only wa...