Painless Ear Wax Removal Singapore

Earwax (cerumen) coats and protects the ear canal and keeps infections and water out of the ear drum. However, if too much earwax builds up, it can become uncomfortable and interfere with hearing. It can also be a cause of tinnitus and ringing in the ears, which may lead to hearing loss if not addressed. So, it is important to get ear wax removed by a professional.

How do you remove ear wax painlessly?

When excess ear wax builds up, it can cause discomfort, pain and hearing loss. Hence, it is important to get ear wax removed by a qualified doctor. Ear wax is produced as a normal body secretion. It acts as a protective layer that helps to keep dirt and dust out of the ear canal. It also protects the ear against moisture and water, which can otherwise be trapped inside the ear.

However, if the ear wax buildup is too heavy, it can lead to a blockage in the ear and result in a variety of unpleasant symptoms such as ear discomfort, fullness, ear itching and partial hearing loss. The only way to remove ear wax safely is by consulting an ENT specialist. Your ENT doctor will be able to identify the root cause of your ear problems and recommend the best way to treat them.

One method is called micro-suction. This is a painless and no-mess process that utilises a small, long and thin suction device to dislodge the earwax. The procedure is carried out under microscope guidance, giving your doctor a clear view of your ear and the amount of wax present. For more information about expert care on

How much does it cost to remove ear wax in Singapore?

Ear wax is a natural substance that helps to keep your ears safe from bacteria, fungi and water. However, if it becomes blocked or is too much for your ear canal to handle, then it can cause discomfort and symptoms. Generally, excess earwax does not pose a problem as the ear naturally flushes it out. But it is important to clean your ears regularly in order to maintain a healthy ear.

If you experience symptoms such as earache, drainage, partial hearing loss or tinnitus due to impacted earwax, then it’s advisable to seek professional treatment for ear wax removal in Singapore. The ENT specialist will check your ears for earwax blockage and recommend treatment to clear it up. There are several earwax removal methods available in Singapore. Some of them include ear irrigation, ear syringing and micro-suction.

In a standard ear irrigation procedure, the ENT specialist will inject warm water into your ear canals to flush out any earwax that may have formed. This will also help soften the earwax and allow it to be easily removed. In a more advanced ear wax removal procedure, the ENT specialist will employ the use of micro-suction to remove the earwax in your ear canals. This is the most efficient method for earwax removal and has proven to be very well tolerated.



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